184 research outputs found

    Effektivare röjningssätt med kedjeröjsågen?

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    After the mandatory rules for clearing was removed in 1994, the clearing area has increased in Sweden. After the storms Gudrun and Per, the areas became planted with new plants, mainly spruce, but also other tree species. Storm areas are now being invaded by naturally rejuvenated birch in the tilling tracks. Since the birch often is initially growing faster than the spruce it is inhibiting the growth and is also damaging the spruce. The purpose of this thesis is to study the new brush saw with chain and compare it with the conventional clearing saw, mainly in terms of performance and ergonomics. The results show that the new brush saw with chain is very good in almost all clearing operations compared to the conventional clearing saw. The best performance is done in the leafless stand when the dominating plants have a height of at least one meter

    Mesh hernia repair and male infertility: A retrospective register study.

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have suggested that the use of mesh in groin hernia repair may be associated with an increased risk for male infertility as a result of inflammatory obliteration of structures in the spermatic cord. In a recent study, we could not find an increased incidence of involuntary childlessness. The aim of this study was to evaluate this issue further. METHODS: Men born between 1950 and 1989, with a hernia repair registered in the Swedish Hernia Register between 1992 and 2007 were cross-linked with all men in the same age group with the diagnosis of male infertility according to the Swedish National Patient Register. The cumulative and expected incidences of infertility were analyzed. Separate multivariate logistic analyses, adjusted for age and years elapsed since the first repair, were performed for men with unilateral and bilateral repair, respectively. RESULTS: Overall, 34,267 men were identified with a history of at least 1 inguinal hernia repair. A total of 233 (0.7%) of these had been given the diagnosis of male infertility after their first operation. We did not find any differences between expected and observed cumulative incidences of infertility in men operated with hernia repair. Men with bilateral hernia repair had a slightly increased risk for infertility when mesh was used on either side. However, the cumulative incidence was less than 1%. CONCLUSION: Inguinal hernia repair with mesh is not associated with an increased incidence of, or clinically important risk for, male infertility

    Konfigurerbar systembrygga mellan Jourhavande bibliotekarie och Fråga biblioteket: slutrapport

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    Arbetet med att utveckla en systembrygga för en fördjupad samverkan inom området virtuell referenstjänst inom och mellan bibliotek och bibliotekarier i olika bibliotekstyper, innebär att en infrastruktur finns för att ta hand om alla frågor på ett systematiskt sätt. Möjligheterna för en samordning av en virtuell referenstjänst på nationell nivå ger inte bara kostnadseffektivitet utan också driftsäkerhet samt möjlighet att utveckla en kunskapsbank för att tillvarata och återanvända den kunskap som skapas vid referenssamtalen. Fråga biblioteket har med sin nuvarande kunskapsbank visat att det går att bygga upp en mycket omfattande sådan inom en rimlig tidsperiod. En nationell lösning med systembryggan som grund gör det möjligt att arbeta lokalt, regionalt och nationellt i ett gränsöverskridande samarbete mellan olika biblioteksorganisationer. En referenstjänst på webben bidrar också till att öka tillgängligheten till bibliotekens tjänster. Att delta i ett arbete med virtuella referenstjänster, där samverkan på olika nivåer mellan bibliotek och bibliotekarier är möjlig, kan också bidra till en kompetensutveckling inom området. En referenstjänst på webben bidrar också till att öka tillgängligheten till bibliotekens tjänster. Att delta i ett arbete med virtuella referenstjänster, där samverkan på olika nivåer mellan bibliotek och bibliotekarier är möjlig, kan också bidra till en kompetensutveckling inom området. Systembryggan i en kort sammanfattning: Ett flexibelt system för hantering av alla e-frågor En kollaborativ lösning som även innebär fristående tjänster lokalt Möjlighet att skapa helt nya tjänster för samverkan En väl utvecklad managementdel med bl.a. uttag av rapporter på lokal, regional och nationell nivå och möjlighet att skapa enkäter på olika nivåer Full frihet att själv skräddarsy layout och texter med exempelvis egna loggor Möjlighet till uppföljning av alla frågor när som helst Funktioner för back office mellan samtliga bibliotek av alla bibliotekstype

    Axonal injury in asymptomatic individuals preceding onset of multiple sclerosis

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    Axonal loss is the main cause of irreversible disability in multiple sclerosis (MS). Serum neurofilament light (sNfL) is a biomarker of axonal disintegration. In this nested case-control study, blood samples from 519 presymptomatic persons (age range 4-39 years) who later received an MS diagnosis showed higher sNfL concentrations than 519 matched controls (p < 0.0001), noticeable at least 10 years before clinical MS onset. Mean values for pre-MS and control groups were 9.6 pg/mL versus 7.4 pg/mL 0-5 years before onset, and 6.4 pg/mL versus 5.8 pg/mL 5-10 years before onset. These results support that axonal injury occurs early in MS pathogenesis

    Ligand binding mechanism in steroid receptors; from conserved plasticity to differential evolutionary constraints

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    Steroid receptor drugs have been available for more than half a century, but details 24 of the ligand binding mechanism has remained elusive. We solved X-ray structures of 25 the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors to identify a conserved plasticity at 26 helix 6-7 region that extend the ligand binding pocket towards the receptor surface. 27 Since none of the endogenous ligands exploit this region, we hypothesized that it 28 constitutes an integral part of the binding event. Extensive all atom unbiased ligand 29 exit and entrance simulations corroborate a ligand binding pathway that gives the 30 observed structural plasticity a key functional role. Kinetic measurements reveal that 31 the receptor residence time correlate with structural rearrangements observed in both 32 structures and simulations. Ultimately, our findings reveal why nature has conserved 33 the capacity to open up this region and highlight how differences in the details of the 34 ligand entry process result in differential evolutionary constraints across the steroid 35 receptors.This study was supported by The European Research Council (2009-Adg25027-535 PELE) to V.G and by the SEV-2011-00067 grant of the Severo Ochoa Program. We 536 would like to acknowledge our AstraZeneca colleagues J. Hartleib, R.Unwin and 537 R.Knöll for helpful discussions. We also thank N. Blomberg (ELIXIR) and R. Neutze 538 (University of Gothenburg) for careful reading of the manuscript.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft